Sunday, January 4, 2009

Welcome 2009 !!!!!!!! Welcome Change !!!!!!!!!!! Welcome Freedom !!!!!!! Welcome "Yes we can" energy.

I believe we all need to hold ourselves accountable for the change we wish to see in the world. WE, each of us, need to free ourselves from dogmatic belief systems and small boxes that have imprisoned our psyches and repressed our souls....Yes we can....and Yes we must! Do not trust that any "expert", political, economic or spiritual leader will do this for "the people" WE must do this for ourselves. To truly shift power towards a more democratic and sane world...the people must step outside the confines of imposed religious boundaries and nationalism, and say No more.. No more.... Not in my name...

Start small, buy locally and organically. Seek out alternative solutions, buy direct from independents. Try second hand and fair trade. Dump the corporate conglomerates. Read something other than corporate news. Accept the challenge of trying something new. Yes you can.

WE stand at the cross-roads.......listen to your own voice and
Choose wisely.

Blessed Be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ghandi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world." ~Kali