Monday, December 3, 2007

Feature: Shifters

New Moons, Mercury Retrogrades for 2008

this article has been re-printed with kind permission of the author, Michele Lessirard at the New Moon Journal,

Sky events for 2008Here are the upcoming New Moons and retrograde periods for 2008. Pluto enters Capricorn in January for the first time in 230 years. Expect a shift and track your energy at each lunation.

Each New Moon is a conception point for planting seed thoughts-a new idea or stating a decree. There is an energetic doorway present at the new moon, we stand at the threshold wondering and dreaming. Some go to sleep, numb out and forget to dream. Sometimes it's hard waking up from this deep sleep. It can be scary. I honor that. What I suggest is just play with the SoulCollage® process, one new moon at a time...

Don’t worry about ’knowing’ astrology and the signs, feel into the energies. The New Moon SoulCollage® process is about soaking up the energies on an intuitive level. Finding the mystery of you in bits of paper and glue. To stay informed subscribe [on the left hand sidebar] to the New Moon Journal.


Anonymous said...

If you are going to lift content from my site The New Moon Journal, then I ask that you provide a working link in the title back to the site and state clearly this article has been re-printed with kind permission of the author, Michele Lessirard at the New Moon Journal,

Wild Womyn Exchange said...

My apologies. I thought the links were provided adequately, but your right, they were not. Thank you for addressing this. If you would like it removed please let me know.
I am a huge traveler to your site. No bad intentions.
Your connection and dedication to the New Moon (site and all else) is exceptional. Thank you for sharing it with the world.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the feedback and fixing the problem so quickly.