Thursday, November 6, 2008

Words of wisdom from
Henryk Skolimowski --- my favorite Philosopher.


An enormous burden has been lifted out of our minds.
A lot of anguish and grief has been released from our souls.
The New Dawn has come. The time has arrived for a new catharsis and a new great reconstruction.
We need new ideas and new vehicles for pursuing and accomplishing our reconstruction.
Henryk Skolimowski has conceived a new concept, which is also a vehicle, which he calls

This is as an alternative to present capitalism. The old fashion socialism and communism are dead. The old fashion neoliberal capitalism is dead. We need new ideas, new leases of life, new vehicles. COMPASSIO NALISM may become such a vehicle — if we so choose.
Compassion is a value term. Capitalism is a value term. Indeed each of these terms denotes a separate value system. Let us not start the discussion by claiming that capitalism is a descriptive system, objective for that matter, and based on rationality; while compassion is an attitude of the heart, a subjective preference. No, no, no. Such a position is biased, superficial and shallow. It is so because compassion represents a whole belief system, a set of values and a worldview. Just like capitalism represents a whole belief system, a set of values and a worldview. None of them is rationally justified. There is no external rational agency, which can validate either capitalism or compassion. And none of them is scientifically justified. Each is justified contextually by the whole system it represents.
The connected, holistic and reverential nature of the universe is the justification of the rationality of compassion. It is true that often the heart and the intuition are the first to recognize the holistic and reverential bond of all beings. But in addition, compassion is rationally justified by its larger cosmology (all is connected and participatory), its value system (to share with others is more important that selfishly hoard), and by its eschatology (the ultimate purpose of life is self realization and not hoarding material goods).
COMPASSIONALISM is not a new fiction. If it is, then it is a much better fiction than the present rapacious capitalism.


Susy Cremers said...

success is based on how well you nurture yourself, your family and your communmity, the earth and all living things. While greed is seen as a disease, undesirable and dishonorable. I have more to say and am starting a fb group with this title. I just came up with this word on fb while discussing a photograph entiled: this is capitalism working and showed fatkids eating at mc donalds juxaposed starving people. and people were debating about which ism was to blame and most recognised the true culprit being greed. I thought if we took the debate away from who is to blame and how we can unite in a positive way. so then I googled the word and came to your page!

Susy Cremers said...
