Thursday, October 9, 2008

Two weeks ago, Treasury Secretary Paulson bailed out American Insurance Group (AIG) with $85 billion dollars in taxpayer money.With this money, AIG executives headed out on a taxpayer funded junket to the St. Regis resort in California. While there, they had a blast at our expense.
Join me in sending this message to Secretary Paulson:
"The Director who authorized this junket should be fired and every penny spent on this lavish retreat must be returned to the Treasury."
But now we’ve got the bill, thanks to Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which is grilling former AIG execs today on events that led to the federal intervention.
AIG American General spent:
$147,302 for banquets
$139,375 on rooms
$23,380 for spa services
$6,939 for golf
$5,016 at the Stonehill Tavern
$3,065 for in-room dining and the lobby lounge
$2,949 for gratuities
$1,901 at the Monarch Bayclub
and $1,488 at the resort’s Vogue Salon

The Bloomberg wire service quoted Waxman as saying, “Average Americans are suffering economically Yet less than one week after the taxpayers rescued AIG, company executives could be found wining and dining at one of the most exclusive resorts in the nation.”

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