Friday, January 4, 2008

Feature: Doorways

In response to the derogatory messages about The Golden Compass, I cant resist but to offer an alternative view.
I saw the film last week. Fabulous, I highly recommend it. I am a bit puzzled by the critiques of those who have not seen the film, but mostly by the religious fear mongering. (Fear mongering is the use of fear to leverage the opinions and actions of others towards some end.)

No where in the film is there reference to any specific religious affiliation..let alone to denigrate Christianity, particularly Catholicism. The film addresses how religious institutions (of any faith) have the potential to act as God itself...The heroine in the story is exposing False Gods inherent in any religious authority that acts on its own behalf to assume mass power over its followers. Mass power which would have good people believe and do bad things in the name of God...I think it is synonymous with "who would Jesus bomb"? or Holy War ? Let us not confuse God---with the Authority as depicted in the film..the film discerns between personal faith and any religious institution that subverts compassionate beings for its own egoistical purposes.

The Film is calling to free thinkers to remember what free will is... If the message is coming home to roost with so many christian believers, then quite possibly there is truth to this "dark side" and in order to protect your deep values these dark truths should be examined and revealed for what they are; instead of being hidden behind ridiculous criticisms of brilliant stories that make pretentious leaders wiggle.
Let us carefully define the real enemies of humanity:, Ignorance, Hate, Intolerance, and Religious Arrogance.

I recommend reviewing the trailer for :
and also to help understand the incredibly important message of "The Golden Compass


Anonymous said...

Very well said.

Anonymous said...

i hoped to call all babies beautiful, but that does not matter...what matter is what the baby calls itself.hokahey