Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Feature: Doorways

Last week this image was plastered all over the news.... I have since contemplated, besides the obvious "in my space violation" the courage of this woman. I can not image having this much conviction, this much action, to bring attention to this illegal war. She is speaking truth to someone who was instrumental in the lead up to the Iraq war...remember "mushroom clouds" or "smoking guns""...This Code Pink women was taken to jail for this harmless act. All the while, the war criminals, including Condoleza Rice, are treated with privilege. 3800 dead American soldiers, just as many American families torn apart, 1.2 million dead Iraqi civilizations....just as many families torn apart.....It is obvious the people who have the power to ACT and CHANGE policy are refusing to do so....i guess it is up to US.
Lets make herstory.!

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