Sunday, July 27, 2008

Feature: Doorways

Below: respectfully shared from this blog...
take a look at This video...Do you see Hypocrisy...From a Nurses perspective....Opiates are profoundly more addictive and toxic to recovery from health issues than marijuana. The Federal Government approves dispensing "Speed" amphetamines; in the form of Aderal to our children, with minimal oversight; YET will spend thousands of tax payer $$ to raid, tether and imprison a man who dispense medical marijuana with a license to do so...WATCH THE VIDEO.
Do you see what I see..Black is White...War is Peace...CONTROL IT IS ALL ABOUT CONTROL.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 Politics Triumph Science

Raiding California with commentary by Drew Carey:

The DEA seems to be hard at work fighting our "War on Drugs".

The Federal Trial for Charles C. Lynch is set for July 22, 2008 in Los Angeles, CA.
As you'll read below, Charles Lynch is a great man who's worked hard to bring relief to many suffering people. He did it with permission and blessings from local officials. He was raided by DEA and is now facing federal charges, and many years in prison. The Federal Government has successfully blocked the jury from knowing that Lynch was operating a business which was allowed by California State Law and sanctioned by the City of Morro Bay, California. The jury thinks he's a large scale drug kingpin, and no evidence is allowed in court to say otherwise.


Charles C. Lynch was the owner and operator of a City Sanctioned
Medical Marijuana Dispensary in Morro Bay California. The Dispensary
opened in April 2006. The business license issued by the city clearly
stated 'Medical Marijuana Dispensary' as the business type. The city
also issued a Conditions of Business document which stated, "no person
under the age of 18 unless accompanied by a parent should be allowed
in the dispensary." The business was also a member of the Morro Bay
Chamber of Commerce. In July 2006, the dispensary was issued a Medical
Cannabis Nursery Permit after a lengthy conditional use permit

The dispensary operated for nearly a year without incident until the
local Sheriff, Pat Hedges, called in the DEA to raid the dispensary on
March 29, 2007. Lynch was not arrested at that time and reopened the
business with the blessing of the Landlord and City Officials. The DEA
subsequently contacted the Landlord and threatened him with forfeiture
of his property and possible prosecution if he did not evict the
dispensary from his building. The dispensary closed on May 16, 2007.
On July 17, 2007 federal agents and the local sheriff arrested Charles
C. Lynch and charged him with a series of federal crimes including,
distributing to persons under 21 years of age. Lynch spent 4 days in
federal detention and was eventually released on a $400,000 bail
posted by his family. Lynch was placed under house arrest and was
required to wear an electronic monitor for 10 months while he waited
for his trial to begin.

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