Thursday, September 20, 2007

Feature: Doorways

Check out the Colbert Report with Naomi Wolf.....compliments of

Ms. Wolf speaks about her new book: The End of America: A Letter of Warning To A Young Patriot.
She discusses 10 steps historically invoked by dictators to shut down open manipulate the minds of its people.....
Frighteningly interesting, Americans just need to look at the current state of affairs to discover---this very truth. This week alone, America was witness to the tazering of a university student for asking questions, . The denial of Habeas Corpus,
"US Senate Fails To Reinstate Habeas Corpus" and the killing of innocent people in Iraq by Blackwater independent military.

A democratic society must be fostered by its citizens...we all must participate in the process if we wish to maintain it....Knowledge is power.

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