Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Feature: Doorways

there are spaces within evolution ripe for human transformation; when the human condition calls for greatness; when the social situation demands consciousness to rise up....a time when we collectively recognize our destiny. May we all hear the beating of the cosmic drum.
In sincere gratitude to Professor Skolimowski for transcribing the voice of the cosmos into words... into thoughts...... into actions........

The Drum of the Cosmos

The drum of the Cosmos is beating
Your destiny, do you hear it?

Often I am mute to the call of my destiny.
But when I finally hear it
I become feverish.
The light out there blinds me
In the state of daze
I see a vision beyond the human reason.

My restless soul then hauntingly asks me:
Why am I so slack, and so moronic?
Why don´t I join the ranks of Buddhas?
My agony is endless for I know
That I am a Buddha already.
Why don´t I have the courage
To assert my real true self?

Why this ambivalence toward my greatness?
Is it a false modesty?
Or a crack in my deeper substance?
Why are we so reluctant to reveal our deepest selves?
Why are we so eager to exhibit our lesser aspects?
The god within cannot be hidden forever.
It wants to reveal its true shinning form.

The drum of the cosmos is beating
Your destiny.

Do you hear it?

Henryk Skolimowski

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