Tuesday, November 18, 2008


PINE RIDGE, S.D. -- Russell Means at the Republic of Lakotah said the blizzard is threatening Lakota lives on Pine Ridge. Amanda Milk, in her eighties, has no legs and is a dialysis patient. She has been snowed in and presummed dead."Many hundreds of American Indians are still snowbound and without electrical power or water on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation," Means said today, Monday, Nov. 17, 2008. Sofia Romero, age 98, is also snowed in, with no power, no water and her food situation is unknown. Emme Zimiga, age 96, is snowed in, with no power, no water, and the food situation is unknown.In Hisle, there are 38 households, with an average of 17 persons per household, still snowed in with out power or water. In the Lost Dog Community, there are five families snowed in, with no power, no water, and their food situation is unknown.The Lacreek Electric Association reports that over 1,000 power distribution poles were broken by the storm and have been replaced. However, dozens more are still down, while repair efforts have been diverted to the some of the main distribution lines still partially inoperative.Means said, "The Red Cross effort is vehemently incompetent."The American Red Cross sent a contingency of one volunteer, Monica Turkleson, who departed the Reservation prematurely on Saturday, November 15th. "Ms. Turklesonʼs 'aide' consisted of'nothing and her behavior was reported as impatient, rude and racist," Means said. Means suggests that this organization change its name to the “White Cross.”Read more ...

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