Friday, June 20, 2008

Feature: Doorway

Grace and the Great Turning
by Joanna Macy

"When you act on behalf of something greater than yourself,
you begin to feel it acting through you
with a power that is greater than your own.
This is grace.

Today, as we take risks for the sake of something greater
than our separate, individual lives,
we are feeling graced by other beings and by Earth itself.
Those with whom and on whose behalf we act

give us strength; and eloquence and staying power
we didn't know we had.
We just need to practice knowing that

and remembering that we are sustained; by each other;
in the web of life.
Our true power comes as a gift, like grace,
because in truth it is sustained by others.
If we practice drawing on the wisdom

and beauty
and strengths
of our fellow humans
and our fellow species
we can go into any situation
and trust
that the courage and intelligence required
will be supplied."

-- Joanna Macy

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