Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Feature: Shifters

"You say you want a Revolution....well ell you know.... we all want to change the world." Beatles
Patriotism requires more than nodding in takes actions, guts and courage...are you willing to sign?

Live from: Credo Action:

No More Tax Dollars for Bush's Iraq Occupation

Congress will soon consider President Bush's latest request for "emergency" funding to continue to pay for the occupation of Iraq. Representative John Murtha, chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, will head up the committee that writes the legislation for this funding request.
After five years and more than
five hundred billion dollars sunk into this occupation, our elected officials should stand up and say "no more."
Please sign the petition below, urging Rep. Murtha to appropriate funds only for a responsible and timely redeployment of our troops out of Iraq.
Former Congressman Tom Andrews and members of the Win Without War coalition will deliver your signatures to Congressman Murtha in person before the supplemental appropriations bill is written.

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