Sunday, December 30, 2007

Feature: Crossroads

deep words during sad times from Gather the Women... This is such a tragedy.
A women cloaked in Courage.

Now is the time

Dear Women of the World,

We are clearly entering a time when each of us is being asked to hold the human family in our tender care. Whether that holding is required in our personal lives or in the global theatre, the nurturance that is the biological heritage of women everywhere is sorely needed.

Yesterday, via our global nervous system, we witnessed the murder of a courageous Pakistani woman, Benazir Bhutto, who came forward to make a difference. Coming as it does at this time of the year, her death seems a talisman of what is to come as the world faces its issues and crises. Many of us can feel the choice as it presents itself to us in this moment… to turn toward fear, or to continue to believe in a positive future for us all.

Let us take the season to reaffirm our love for each other and for humanity, to join together in family and community wherever we are, however we may, and affirm our commonalities… the inherent value of our children, the beauty and abundance of nature, the love of life itself.

Now is the time more than ever to master our personal conflicts, to love deeply and whole-heartedly, to gather together and support each other as we seek to turn our crises into opportunities for change. We invite you to join us in holding a field of compassion and nurturance for humanity, today and throughout the coming year... to stretch beyond fear into the truth of who we are... one interconnected human family.

With deep appreciation for the many women everywhere who trust that human beings will overcome our local and global difficulties, with love and greatness and deep compassion for one another,
Clare, Jeanie, Joy and Marilyn at Gather the Women Global Matrix

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