Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Features: Doorways

Peace Activists, those who adamantly oppose the illegal bombing and occupation of Iraq, a country who had never committed any atrocity against the United States....have been camping outside the home of of Nancy Pelosi for the last 4 months....Just yesterday, they erected a giant statue of Buddha; An image that speaks for itself...
below is a statement from Ms. Pelosi, the first women Speaker of the House, a women who also refuses to press for the Impeachment of a president for War Crimes.

From Roll Call's Heard on the Hill:/HuffingtonPost:
"I've had four or five months of people sitting outside my home, going into my garden in San Francisco and angering my neighbors," Pelosi said at a gathering sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor.

Pelosi added that the squatters have engaged in decidedly non-neighborly behavior like hanging their clothes from the trees; moving in sofas, chairs and other "permanent living facilities"; and, oddly, building a large Buddha on the sidewalk in front of her home. "You can just imagine my neighbors' reactions to all of this," she said. "And if they were poor, and they were sleeping on my sidewalk, they'd be arrested for loitering, but because they have 'impeach Bush' across their chest, it's the First Amendment." ( i wonder how Iraqi's feel)

A citizens reply: MarkKienan : Pelosi said "impeachment is off the table".
Miss Nancy is whining because average citizens have the audacity to speak up against her failure to fulfill her obligation under the constitution. They have the audacity to protest outside her multimillion dollar mansion in Pacific Heights, SF. Oh and her rich neighbors are perturbed too. Dear Miss Nancy. You're breaking my heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is Ms. Pelosi, blocking our representatives from an "Impeachment of Bush"? What is the process of doing this? Surely, she can't act on it all by herself, right? Perhaps the Peace Activists, would have better results protesting outside their own representatives offices, rather than Ms. Pelosi's home. Are we allowed to protest at the House of Representatives, where these Representatives work, rather than where they live with their families etc...